

– Raport I

– Raport II

– Raport III


– GLIGA A., STOIAN V., JITEA M., SANDOR M., 2017, SustainFarm-European project for innovative and sustainable intensification of integrated food and non-food systems, Environment & Progress, UBB, Cluj-Napoca.

– L.G. SMITH, J. SMITH, M. WOLFE, B.B. GHALEY, A. PISANELLI, G. RUSSO, M.SANDOR, A. GLIGA, R. WAWER, A JEDREJEK. R. BOREK, A multi-factorial sustainability assessment of five European agroforestry farms, Proceedings of the 4th European Agroforestry Conference: Agroforestry as Sustainable Land Use, Nijmegen, The Netherlands.

– GHALEY, Bhim Bahadur; SMITH, Jo; WESTAWAY, Sally; PISANELLI, Andrea; LAUTERI, Marco; FERERES, Elias; CALDERÓN, Rocío; BOREK, Robert; WAWER, Rafal; SANDOR, Mignon; GLIGA, Adrian, 2018, AGROFORESTRY SYSTEMS IN EUROPE – ROLES AND FUNCTIONS IN DIVERSE SOCIO-ECONOMIC CONTEXTS, 26th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition (EUBCE), Copenhagen Denmark.

BHIM BAHADUR GHALEY, JO SMITH, SALLY WESTAWAY, ANDREA PISANELLI, MARCO LAUTERI, ELIAS FERERES, ROCIO CALDERON, ROBERT BOREK, RAFAL WAWER, MIGNON SANDOR, ADRIAN GLIGA, 2018, Agroforestry systems in Europe – role and functions in diferse socio-economic contexts, 26th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition, Copenhagen, Denmark.

– ADRIAN GLIGA, MIGNON SANDOR, JO SMITH, BHIM BAHADUR GHALEY, ANDREA  PISANELLI, ANGELA AUGUSTI, RAFAL WAWER, ROBERT BOREK, LAURENCE SMITH, 2019, Evaluating the Sustainability  of Agroforestry systems in five different countries of Europe using Emergy evaluation, 4th World Congress on Agroforestry, Montpellier, France.


– GLIGA A., STOIAN V., PACURAR F., SANDOR M., 2017,  Integrate agriculture – Study case of a Romanian integrated food and non food system, 6th International Conference Prospects for the 3rd Millenium Agriculutre, USAMV, Cluj-Napoca.

– Adrian GLIGA, Laurence G. SMITH, Mignon ȘANDOR, 2018, SUSTAINABILITY ASSESSMENT OF A SILVO-PASTORAL AGRICULTURE SYSTEM IN ROMANIA,  17th International Conference, Prospects or the 3rd millennium agriculture, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

– Robert Borek, Rafał Wawer, Aleksandra Król, Jerzy Kozyra, Sandor Mignon, Adrian Gliga, Mugur Jitea, 2018, ECONOMIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF SILVOPASTORAL FARMS IN THE CARPATHIANS – CASE STUDIESOF CATTLE FARMS FROM POLAND AND ROMANIA,  5th Forum Carpaticum, Adapting to Environmental and Social Risk in the Carpathian Mountain Region, Eger, Hungary.

– SADOR MIGNON, 2019, Towards a circular agriculure vision and implementation, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.


– GLIGA A., STOIAN V., JITEA M., SANDOR M., 2017, SustainFarm-European project for innovative and sustainable intensification of integrated food and non-food systems, Environment & Progress, UBB, Cluj-Napoca.

– ADRIAN GLIGA, SMITH L.G., SANDOR M., 2018, Sustainability assessment of a silvo-pastoral agriculture system in Romania, 7th International Conference Prospects for the 3rd Millenium Agriculutre, USAMV, Cluj-Napoca.

– ȘANDOR MIGNON, DIANA E. DUMITRAȘ AND IONEL-MUGUREL JITEA, 2019, Agroforestry in the EU and Romanian public policies. A comparative analysis between selected member states, 18th International Conference “Life Sciences for Sustainable Development”, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

– ADRIAN GLIGA, MIGNON SANDOR, JO SMITH, BHIM BAHADUR GHALEY, ANDREA  PISANELLI, ANGELA AUGUSTI, RAFAL WAWER, ROBERT BOREK, LAURENCE SMITH, 2019, Evaluating the Sustainability  of Agroforestry systems in five different countries of Europe using Emergy evaluation, 4th World Congress on Agroforestry, Montpellier, France.

– GHALEY, BHIM BAHADUR; LEHMANN, LISA MØLGAARD; SMITH, JO; WESTAWAY, SALLY, PISANELLI, ANDREA; LAUTERI, MARCO; FERERES, ELIAS; CALDERÓN, ROCÍO; BOREK, ROBERT; WAWER RAFAŁ; SANDOR, MIGNON; GLIGA, ADRIAN, 2019, Agroforestry systems for multifunctional landscape and provision of soil-based ecosystem services, Wageningen Soil Conference, Wageningen, the Netherlands.


– Ghid tehnic.

– Suport legislativ.

– Factsheet Romania.

– Articol Graiul Maramureșului – Cercetare și inovare în sistemele integrate din Maramureș.